Practicing yoga off the mat and into the world

My day started with a yoga practice. I practiced yoga off the mat and into my world. Walk with me if you will into my morning… I felt groggy as my feet touched the floor. Nonetheless I started walking into my day; little did I know I was walking right into a miracle. It’s my life! The … Continue reading

Dr. Brene’ Brown’s Theory on Connection and Vulnerability

Put away all that you believe to be true about connection. Go with me on a trip to experience the impossible connection. Ask yourself this question, what is vulnerability and what does it have to do with connection? Is connection holding hands, an angry slap across the face? Or is it internal, like chills up … Continue reading

Warrior II in the Present Moment

There’s always a way to be peaceful in a challenging pose.  As I was posing for this shot I found myself forcing my way into it. I was twisting, pressing, grounding down, and even my feet were sliding apart in the grass. I realized that I was trying too hard to look perfect. I heard … Continue reading